This is one of our first two ferrets, Murder. He is a large sable male, he just turned 1 year old around the last week of July. He is our largest ferret currently at almost 4 lbs. He came home with his lady friend Mayhem, whom he likes to play with. He's a big, cuddly monster who hates to be left alone and is very demanding in his desire for human attention. He is the alpha of our business and enjoys wrestling with the other hobs regularly to assert himself. His adopted date was 1/31/2012.
Likes: Eating, sleeping, digging, exploring new spaces, playing in the bath tub, cuddling, getting his belly rubbed, wrestling with the other hobbs.
This is one of our first two ferrets, Mayhem. She is a svelte sable female who just turned 1 year old around the last week of July. she came to our home with her male friend Murder, whom she enjoys so long as he stays in line. If he steps out, she will put him right back into line despite being half his size. Mayhem is addicted to tunneling and gets very cranky when she can't get into her tunnels. She's also good at getting into places she wasn't supposed to be in. She's a picky eater and a real gentle sweetheart. Her adopted date was January 31, 2012.
Likes: Playing, particularly dooking about and running free, tunneling, digging, burrowing, exploring, playing with Artemis and blanket bull fighting, tunneling.
Artemis's story: Artemis was approximately 5 months old when we adopted him from Craigslist on March 20th, 2012. We are his 3rd and hopefully last owner. I am told his original owner gave him up to the second owner after deciding he was "too much work" and would not even feed him a low quality, cheap brand like Marshal's because it was "too expensive." The second owner cared for him as best as possible, but due to circumstances beyond their control had to move and could not take him with them. Artemis is a playful, energetic, albino male ferret. He is an excellent "baby sitter" who takes special effort and care teaching our younger ferrets manners and how to act. He enjoys playing with the babies and still acts like one himself.
Likes: Playing! Wrestling with Zar'thun, chasing Mayhem, tunneling, exploring, adores swimming, playing with any and all toys.
Chelly is a very special girl; she's a deaf possibly Wardy Syndrome ferret that we picked up from the pet store at 8 weeks old. She's a panda marked roan with a blaze. She is the sweetest thing, absolutely adores humans. She loves to climb all over you, ride around on your head or shoulder and is fearless of heights. She has a knack for finding her way into places she shouldn't be, almost as if she had a portal gun hidden under her tail. Hence the name. Her adopted date was 5/5/2012.
Likes: Ice cream, digging, wrestling with your hand, swimming, tunneling, burrowing, cuddling and playing with Stormy, being held and danced with.
Glad0s came home with Chell on the same day from the same petstore. She was so named because at the time we brought her home at 8 weeks old she was very much like the evil, human hating super computer from Portal. She was very skittish, afraid of humans and being carried or handled and a very vicious biter. It didn't take too long for her to warm up to us however; now she is extremely affectation and gentle and very trusting of her human friends. She's a very pretty silver mitt with almost panda like head markings. She's an extremely small jill at about 1.5 lbs, I nickname her the "silver Torpedo". She's extremely fast and agile and practically flies through the tunnels which she loves. She's the most social (and smallest!) ferret, she cuddles up to the hobs especially and washes everyone's ears for them. Her adopted date was 5/5/2012.
Likes: Macaroni 'n' cheese, tunneling, eating, chasing toys or cat wands, burrowing, cuddling with Murder and the other hobbs.
Zar'thun came home with us at 10 weeks old from the pet store. I had sort of seen him at the store buried under a pile of other babies when he had come in at 8 weeks, but hadn't decided to get another ferret at the time. 2 weeks later I was back at the store for something, and he was still there. And I got a good look at him and fell in love. Zar'thun is a dark/black sable with a tan nose, named after a friend's warlock's familiar in WoW. He is the best mannered ferret I have ever had the pleasure of bringing home. He didn't nip, used the litter box right off of the bat and played very well with everyone else. He was quite large for a 10 week old, he's very large now at almost 3lbs and still growing. He was adopted on 6/10/2012.
Likes: wrestling with Murder, Artemis and Stormageddon, ping pong balls, chasing balls around, splashing in water.
Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All
Stormy came home with us at 8 weeks old from the pet store. He's a very smart ferret who picked up learning his name in mere days. He is a black ferret with a black nose. His first night home he cried for his mother, and he occasionally still does cry. He loves scampering through the tunnels (or even napping in them on occasion). He has already started strongly bonding with Chell, he will play with her and groom her ears for her. Unfortunately he was rejected by our alpha, Murder and must be kept caged separately at all times for his safety. He was very tiny and underfed when we got him, did not know how to wrestle or fight back with another ferret. He is a very rambunctious little man who will play with anything that moves. He was adopted on 8/3/2012.
Likes: Ping pong balls, eating, dooking around, tunneling, chasing other ferrets, playing with socks, Chell.
Wheatley is a handsome, 3lb hob I adopted from the pet store as a playmate for Stormageddon since Murder's group rejected him. He was about 6.5 months old when we got him and he came home with us the same day as Sigma. I don't understand how people passed him up for so long, he's a wonderful ferret with excellent behavior. He had just been transferred to the store I found him in, or rather I should say he found and picked me. He's a panda headed silver and possibly deaf. He's a sweet boy who loves cuddling with his humans and ferret friends. He's very laid back and cheerful. He was adopted with Sigma on 8/26/12.
Likes: Cuddling, playing with stuffed toys, climbing your legs.
Sigma came home with us the same day as Wheatley, but he was a much younger kit at about 8 weeks old. Sigma picked me from the moment we met, not the other way around. He made it very clear he expected to come home with me and has rewarded my choice ever since with his sweet, affectionate nature. He was also purchased to be a friend for Sigma and they get along very well. He loves to eat and play hard, but he also loves nuzzling and cuddling his momma. He is very curious and wants to know what you are doing all the time. He's also a serious ear licker and group groomer. He was adopted with Wheatley on 8/26/12.
Likes: Cuddling, eating, playing, following humans around.
Last updated: 1/3/2012
Your ferrets are awesome.